
සිහින පාරාදීසයේ චැට් පිටුව වෙත සපැමිනි ඔබ සැම සාදරයෙන් පිළිගනිමු. ආදරණීය මිතුරු මිතුරියන් මුන ගස්වන අපේම තෝතැන්නක්. ලියාපදින්චිය අවශ්‍ය නැත. චැට් කිරීමට පෙර අදාළ දත්ත ඇතුලත් කරන්න. ඔබේ චැට් නම ඔබට අවශ්‍ය පරිදි වෙනස් කරන්න. අපහසුතාවයන් හා දුෂ්කරතා වෙතොත් අපිට දැනුම් දෙන්න.
Common Internet signs and emoticons

Common Internet signs and emoticons that are used by kids and teens in chat rooms, email, instant messages and while surfing online:
:-| Ambivalent
o:-) Angelic (Halo)
>:-( or >:(  Angry
|-I Asleep
(::()::) Band-aid
:-{} Blowing a Kiss
\-o Bored
:-c Bummed Out, Sad
:( ) Can't Stop Talking
:*) Clowning
:(... Crying
T__T or TT_TT Crying (usually meant in a humorous way)
:'-) Crying with Joy
:'-( Crying Sadly
x__x Dead, unconscious
:-9 Delicious
:-> Devilish Grin
;-> Devilish Wink
:P Disgusted
:*) Drunk
>_< or >< =Embarrassment or frustration
:( =Frown, sad
^ ^ or ^__^ or ^^ =Happiness
^5 =High Five
(((((name)))) =Hug
(( )):** =Hugs and Kisses
:-)*(-: =Kissing Couple
:-# =Kiss
<3 =Love
:~/ =Mixed Up
$_$ =Money-hungry
:-O =Mouth Open (Surprised)
@--/--- =nbspRose
u_u =Sad
:O =Shocked
:) or :-) =Smile
 ^ =Thumbs Up
@_@ =Tired, trying to stay awake, ditzy
:-\ =Undecided
;) or ;-) =Wink
^__~ =Wink, reluctant
:-@ =Yelling

As you know, the Internet is always changing, evolving, and updating. New terms and codes appear in Internet chat rooms constantly. Also, what means one thing in one chat room may not mean the same thing in another. Although many Internet chat rooms have different 'lingo', 'slang', and etiquette, the above emoticons are pretty much standard throughout the Internet and SMS/ Instant Messaging / Text Messaging areas. If you have a new Internet chat term, emoticon, or code that you would like to share, please Contact Us..

Message board and chat

Message board and chat A Chat is a real-time, online conversation with groups of members through People Connection rooms, conference rooms, live online events, and rooms created privately by members. conversations also use special abbreviations. You'll most likely run into these:

LOL = Laughing Out Loud
ROTF = Rolling On The Floor (laughing)
BTW = By The Way
RSN = Real Soon Now
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO = In My Not So Humble Opinion
GMTA = Great Minds Think Alike
F2F = Face-to-Face
TTFN = Ta Ta For Now
AFK = Away From Keyboard/Keys
BRB = Be Right Back
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